Holy Spirit, hear us as we pray:
Fill us with Your life transforming pow'r.
Come indwell us; make our hearts Your home;
Let us feel Your presence every hour.
Stir within our souls a love for Christ;
Make Him first in all our lives.
Holy Spirit, help us to discern
And perform the Father's holy will.
Quickly vanquish any selfish thought,
So we grow to know Him greater still.
Great Revealer, point us to the Word,
Which from Heav'n has been out-poured.
Holy Spirit, guide our wand'ring feet;
Help us walk the perfect, narrow way.
Keep us upright, hold us fast and firm,
Lest in sin we blindly slip or stray.
Helper, speed our steps to spread the Word:
Christ alone is Lord of Lords!
Holy Spirit, strengthen our weak frame;
Give us courage when we are afraid.
Fortify us daily in the cross
Where the awful debt for sin was paid.
Help us boldly to the world proclaim
Christ the Savior’s glorious name!
This text was composed to accompany a teaching series on the Holy Spirit for Tenth Presbyterian Church’s youth group. While the normal model for prayer is to the Father, by the Spirit, in the Son, since all Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are persons they can all be appropriately prayed to. So this is a prayer to the Holy Spirit. The hymn leans heavily on the aspect of the Spirit as the “Helper.” We ask the Spirit’s help in discerning God’s will, walking God’s way, and spreading God’s Word. The Spirit’s primary function is to point us to Christ, not to Himself— to “make Him first in all our lives”—which is why the climactic two lines of each stanza are about Jesus, and not the Holy Spirit.
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