My God has called me to embrace
The truth that He is for me.
It matters not the path I face
Or if there’s pain before me—
All things will be worked out for me;
My welfare is His pleasure.
So I must cherish what He says: I am His precious treasure.
My God has welcomed me to rest
Within His love forever.
No tragedy nor troubling test
Could me from God’s love sever.
My every care, I place them there
Within His hands completely,
For as a father to a child, He’s always loved me sweetly.
My God has promised I may dine
And sit at His own table!
Though I am sin, and He Divine,
His grace has made me able.
I must believe, and now receive
The cup that He is giving.
I find here in its overflow the waters ever-living.
My God has bid me trust Him now
And take this lot He gave me.
Though I confess I know not how,
This, too, must serve to save me.
While all around I hear the sound
Of evil news reporting:
With grace and peace and tenderness my soul He is supporting.
My God has freely opened wide
The glorious gates of Heaven.
Soon I will enter and reside,
And wear the crown I’m given.
He’ll wipe my eyes as I arise
To sing of such salvation.
‘til then these tears will be the sign of loving adoration.
This hymn’s opening line was inspired by Psalm 56:9, “This I know, that God is for me.” For assurance in times of trouble, embracing this truth is really all we need. Paul picks up a similar theme in Romans 8:31 (“if God is for us, who can be against us?”), and so the opening stanza references that chapter: “All things must be worked out for me” is lifted from Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” To fortify the hymn’s overall theme of assurance and trust, stanza four borrows from that great creedal statement of comfort, the opening question and answer of the Heidelberg Catechism: “He also preserves me in such a way that without the will of my heavenly Father not a hair can fall from my head; indeed, all things must work together for my salvation.” Hence: “My God has bid me trust Him now and take this lot He gave me. Though I confess I know not how, this, too, must serve to save me.” Josh Bauder’s tune, HATFIELD, is a sturdy melody, drawing on melodic repetition and solid diatonic harmonies to match the confidence of the text.
Official permission to use the hymns posted at is granted under the following conditions: (a) the hymns are not to be altered in any way, (b) the hymns are to be distributed free of charge, and (c) recognition is to be given to both the author and composer. If the hymns are to be used in a formal publication (i.e., anything that will be sold), please email your request below.