Praise the Savior's highest glory, we on earth our voices raise,
Singing out redemption's story, all His wise and wondrous ways.
Acclamation, adoration — we will praise Him all our days.
Christ came down from highest Heaven, our frail human frame to wear.
All our grief to Him was given, all our sorrow His to bear.
Empathizing, sympathizing — our High Priest knows every care.
He the bonds of sin has severed, by His death upon the tree.
Our transgressions not remembered: cast into the deepest sea.
Thought of never, gone forever — foulness turned to purity.
On that day of full profession Jesus' praise will clearly ring.
Every knee bow in submission, every tongue cry: "Christ is King!"
Voices raising, loudly praising — we our worship gladly bring.
In four verses, this hymn takes a sweeping overview of the story of redemption. Christ came from Heaven to wear our human frame and know all of our grief and trouble. In theology, this is referred to as Christ’s “humiliation.” It is his suffering the curse of the law for law-breakers like you and me. This culminates on the cross, which verse 3 describes. There, as our substitute, Jesus dies the death that was ours to die. But of course, He doesn't remain in the grave. Our hope is not in that Jesus died for us, but that He died and was raised for us. The final verse borrows from the grandiose language of Philippians 2, which says, “God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
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